Alura: A Comprehensive Tool for Growing Your Etsy Business

Alura is a versatile platform designed specifically for Etsy sellers. It simplifies various aspects of running an Etsy shop, making it ideal for anyone looking to start, manage, and expand their business on Etsy. Whether you are researching keywords, seeking products with high demand and low competition, or needing help with listing optimization and email marketing, Alura has features to assist you. It’s like having a personal assistant for your Etsy shop, helping you discover what products to sell and how to sell them more effectively.


  • Keyword Finder: A tool tailored for Etsy sellers to perform keyword research, helping your products get found more easily.
  • Alura Extension: Simplifies product research while you’re browsing Etsy, making it easier to find what sells.
  • Product Seeker: Discover niches with high demand and low competition, giving you a competitive edge.
  • Shop Analyzer: Research successful Etsy shops to understand what works and apply those insights to your own shop.
  • Listing Helper: Optimize your listings based on Etsy’s seller handbook, enhancing your shop’s appeal.
  • Followup Reminder: Send messages to encourage more reviews and repeat purchases.
  • Email Sender: A new feature to grow your shop with email marketing specifically designed for Etsy sellers​

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