Linkly: Easy URL Shortening and Tracking for Businesses

Linkly helps you turn long website links into shorter, branded ones. This is useful for businesses because shorter links are easier to share and look better. Linkly also tracks who clicks on your links, where they are from, and what device they use. This information can help you understand your audience better.


  • Track Clicks: Counts how many times a link is clicked, showing where the clicks are coming from and what device is used.
  • Branded Links: You can use your own website’s name in the shortened links.
  • Retargeting Pixels: Add special codes to your links that help in showing ads to people who clicked on your links.
  • Customizable Social Media Previews: Change how your link looks when shared on social media.
  • Geotargeting: Redirects users to different websites based on their country.
  • Device-Specific Redirects: Sends users to the right app store or website depending on whether they are using a phone, tablet, or computer.
  • Link Rotators: Distribute web traffic among multiple websites.
  • Team Collaboration: Manage and track many links at once, useful for large teams.
  • Integration with Other Tools: Works with Google Sheets, Google Analytics, and more for easier data management.
  • UTM Tag Builder: Automatically adds tags to links for easy tracking in Google Analytics​

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