Practice – Simple Client Management SoftwarePractice

Practice is a comprehensive client management software designed for small businesses and professionals. It offers a variety of tools to streamline client interactions, scheduling, invoicing, and more. This software is particularly useful for businesses like coaching services, wellness professionals, tutors, and other service-based industries where managing client relationships is key.


  • Face-to-Face Videos: Personalized video messages on websites to engage visitors and explain products or services.
  • Live Chat: Instant communication tool for visitors to chat with business representatives, enhancing customer service and sales opportunities.
  • Automated Support Hub: A centralized location where customers can find answers to their questions, reducing the need for direct inquiries.
  • Customizable Interactions: Options to tailor the tool’s features according to business needs, whether for sales, support, or general inquiries.
  • Mobile Notifications: Get alerts on mobile when a customer wants to chat, ensuring prompt responses.
  • Integration with Various Platforms: Compatibility with different website platforms like WordPress, Shopify, and Squarespace.
  • Analytics and Insights: Tracks visitor interactions to provide insights on performance and customer behavior.
  • Easy Installation: Simple setup process that doesn’t require advanced technical skills.

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