Revolutionizing Content Repurposing with AI is an innovative AI-powered platform designed to repurpose content from podcasts, webinars, and videos. With the ability to automatically identify chapters and the most engaging moments from your video, simplifies the process of content repurposing. The platform is ideal for businesses involved in content marketing, video creators, podcasters, and agencies. It supports English language content, with plans to roll out support for 50+ languages soon.


  • AI-Powered Content Repurposing:’s AI has been trained to work specifically on content repurposing, identifying key chapters and engaging moments from your videos.
  • Supports Various Video Types: You can upload any files from your computer or use YouTube links. The platform works best with longer videos.
  • Language Support: The content repurposing algorithm currently supports English, with plans to support 50+ languages soon.
  • Subtitles: ensures you get accurate subtitles for your videos, enhancing the accessibility of your content.
  • Custom Templates: As part of their pro plan, offers custom templates for your content.
  • Unlimited Repurposing: The platform can repurpose as many videos as you provide, extracting as many pieces of content as possible.

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